Tips & advices :

  • Start with inexpensive / old / panned / unloved make up…So you won’t ruin anything precious during your first trials.
  • Always work with clean hands and tools/surface. It’s always a good idea to sanitize everything so you are not contaminating your makeup with bacteria.
  • Start with small pans, like eyeshadow before expanding to larger ones…The larger and shallower a pan is, the most likely you are to shatter the pressed powder in the process.
  • Run a magnet on the back of the packaging to check if the pan is magnetic…If it’s not you will need to stick a piece of metal or magnet on the back.

Three different methods :

  1. Pins and Thread

    Depotting 1

    I really like this method because it can be very efficient and quick.
    I find this works better with round pans, and big glops of glue.
    Use a very sturdy thread (dental floss is recommended) that you push into the rim with the pins, maintaining it in place.
    Once you have placed it around a half / three quarters of the pan, start pulling the thread. It will go under the pan and slowly cut off the glue as you pull…

  2. Heating

    Depotting 2

    You can basically use any source of heat, providing it’s safe ! The best way is to use hair straightener.
    Use baking paper to protect the plates and place the item over. Wait for a few seconds (around 10) so that you can easily peel off the sticker. If the packaging is clear you will be able to see the glue dots inside.
    Place the packaging back on the plate for a good 2 or 3 minutes, and check if the glue has loosened up.
    You should be able to move the pan inside its packaging. If not, place it back a little more.
    When you feel it’s ready, use a pin (or any fine / pointy tool) to push the pan out.

  3. Sheer Force

    This might not be the gentler but it is effective.Use a tool to act as a lever and push out the pan. Might damage the packaging or the powder so use this method only when all others failed !

    depotting force

    When you have already done damage and nothing else works….

Happy depotting you all !!!
Thank you for reading.
A Girl From Paris


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